23 Following

Sandra Bunino

Writer of 'the sexy'.

Currently reading

Because You Are Mine: The Complete Novel
Beth Kery
Progress: 315/360 pages

Writerly Weekend with a Gift for YOU!

I love the few days each year I spend chatting and listening to authors, editors and agents. This happened to be one of those weekends.


My friend and fellow author, Claire Gillian, made a pitstop before returning to the west coast from her business trip and we attended our first NJ Romance Writers Conference.

What a fun couple of days! Kudos to NJRW for bringing Scrivener expert, Gwen Hernandez to the conference for an extended workshop on the writing program. I just started using it and I’m now up to speed on most if Scrivener’s bells and whistles. If you use the program or are just curious about it, check out Gwen’s website. Other fantastic workshops I attended were hosted by authors Christine BushVicky Dreiling and Madeline Hunter. I especially loved Madeline’s synopsis writing session. Not only did I learn how to write a great synopsis, but she also made me realize I should ratchet up the conflict level of my current WIP. Thanks, Madeline!


The last informative sessions were the Editor and Agent Panels. I walked out knowing sexy contemporaries are not only alive and well, they are one of the most sought-after romance sub-genres. Yes!


Of course there were lots of romance goodies and I want to share them with you! Leave me a comment below about anything (romance genres you like to read, what you did this weekend, the last book you read…really, anything!) and I’ll randomly choose one commenter Tuesday night to win my NJRW totebag and 5 paperbacks shown on here (US and Canada only). Be sure to leave your email address in the comment:


Source: http://sandrabunino.com/blog